Choose your Plan

Explore features of Easytherapy Lite and Pro side by side. Choose the best for you!

person working on blue and white paper on board
black gift box with a green ribbon
black gift box with a green ribbon

Limited time offer!

Start your free trial today and enjoy the benefits of ET Pro for the same price as ET Lite
for a full year!

* While this offer is active, you can choose to try ET Pro or ET Lite for free and then start your ET Pro subscription at the price of ET Lite
** No payment details required to start your free trial, no need to cancel, all data deleted upon discontinuation

EasyTherapy Lite


EasyTherapy Pro

  • Client details

  • Client extensive intake history

  • Sessions record

  • "In a glance" Dashboard

  • Psychometrics record

  • Lab & Imaging exams record

  • Calendar

  • "Patient Snapshot" Dashboard

  • Tracking of session therapy models

  • Team collaboration options

  • Appointment automations

  • Team notifications

  • Financial statistics


Eveything in Lite PLUS:

  • Team member assigned Tasks

  • "My Day" dashboard

  • Team members Task delegation

  • Task reminders

  • Payment details

  • Pending payments monitoring

  • Client notifications

  • Advanced Task automations

  • Auto appointment monitoring

  • No-shows handling

  • Customizable auto messages

220 190€ / year

120 90€ / year

Each Extra User

90 70€ / year

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime


Upon subscription for your Free Trial, you get to choose between 2 options: you can start your own practice from scratch or get included in a Demo practice as a team member. When you feel ready to begin using the platform for your own practice, you can have it created anytime.

Either way, you'll need to agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy policy, before you can proceed.

Before completing the Free Trial period (1 month), you will receive an email with instructions on how to purchase your first paid subscription.

If you choose not to continue with us, your data will be removed from our server automatically. You don't have to cancel.

Regarding additional users, you can add as many as you like in the relevant field of the Trial form. In this case, you are all starting as members of the same practice, either yours or the Demo. You will need a different email address for each user. You can also add the same physical person twice, provided he/she has 2 different email addresses. This would be a great idea, if this team member has distinct roles in your practice. For example, if he works both as a psychologist and as front office assistant. Keep in mind that you will need to purchase an "Extra User" subscription for each user in your practice.

During your paid subscription, you can upgrade to Pro by paying the difference between the 2 subscriptions. If you wish to downgrade from Pro to Lite, no refund is given.